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The sphere cheap to run was characterized fundamentally for The Sugar industry and the Bakery, especial bread.

Metallurgic, in addition to another industries like the Ligera, Meat and Construcción. 2000 after having suffered a process of reorganization only are dedicated to the nutritious industry as from the year: Captive shop of flour, sweets, preserves of fruits, vegetables and the one belonging to ice. In these moments he finds in increment the agricultural industry, and the production of materials for the construction.

Agricultural activity, he includes forestal units, mechanicses, citrícolas, poultry, livestock and porcine. This develops fundamentally in:

Company Agroindustrial Juan Ávila ( MINAZ ).
Agroindustrial Farm Free Puerto Rico.
Agroindustrial Farm Holy Sunday.
Company Agropecuaria Ciro Redondo ( MINAGRI ).
Livestock farm.

A total of 92 entities that become established out of the municipality among companies, state-owned economic organizations, budgeted units and companies's establishments, the ones that are itemized from now on exist :.

5 companies, theirs: 4 of national subordination
4 state-owned economic organizations of provincial subordination
5 units budgeted for of municipal subordination
78 companies's establishments that become established out of the municipality.

Direction: Street Irraél Cabrera #82 enter Bartolomé Masó e Independencia